This is absolutely ghoulish. The body parts were used in disk replacements, knee operations, dental implants and other surgical procedures performed by unsuspecting doctors across the United States and in Canada. About 10,000 people received tissue supplied by Biomedical Tissue Services. Among the bodies looted was that of “Masterpiece Theatre” host Alistair Cooke, who died…

So much for not going negative and shouldn’t this guy go after the presumptive nominee? Why waste your time with the second place guy? But we know what’s going on here, he’s softening up the competition for McCain, it’s very obvious he’s going for the #2 position.(via)

We’re going into a recession, how much slower do you want it? Does this guy really help his wife saying things like this? Maybe on the left but there are people out there who actually don’t want to be laid off or pay more for gas than they’re doing right now. Former President Bill Clinton…

It looks like reality is hitting some Huckabloggers in the face: It’s time for us Huckaboosters to admit that this is not our man’s year. I regret that things have turned out this way for him, but he waged a hell of a campaign, and got as far as he did almost wholly on the…

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