It looks like reality is hitting some Huckabloggers in the face:

It’s time for us Huckaboosters to admit that this is not our man’s year. I regret that things have turned out this way for him, but he waged a hell of a campaign, and got as far as he did almost wholly on the power of his own ideas and skill at campaigning. It was Huck who first mortally wounded Romney by whipping him thoroughly in Iowa, in a David vs. Goliath victory. Huck won’t be the GOP nominee, but I anticipate that he will be a player in Republican and conservative politics, and hope that he spends the next few years playing an active role in rebuilding the conservative movement.

Um…I think Rod Dreher is rewriting history here. Huckabee won Iowa for one reason only: he ran as a Christian, reached out to Christians and got together a grass roots effort to get his Christian supporters to the caucus sites. But beyond Iowa he couldn’t get a majority of evangelicals to vote for him and he wasn’t able to broaden his base. He never got majority of conservatives and he wasn’t considered a conservative candidate and never sounded like one. That’s not much of a campaign. As to him “rebuilding the conservative movement” I don’t see that happening unless it’s just the social wing of the conservative base.
But that’s yesterdays news, what does a “Hukabooster” do now? Do they support the candidate even though he’s doesn’t have a shot at winning and is only in the race to be McCain’s running mate or hope for a brokered convention? Do they vote for Huckabee even though that means that McCain will win. Do they really want a McCain presidency? Well, Rod Dreher doesn’t so he’s thinking about voting for Romney.
If you’re an anyone but McCain voter like me, you’ll have to think long and hard before you vote for someone that doesn’t have a shot and support someone who does.
BTW, if McCain is elected it looks like we’ll be getting embryonic stem cell research since he probably won’t support Bush’s veto. The pro-life Huckabee supporters might want to keep that in mind when they vote for Huckabee.

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