They live in slums and are afraid to talk to reporters. There are secret police everywhere and they live with piles of garbage and rats. Christians can’t get permits to build churches so they built the church underground (it’s actually quite beautiful).(via)

Not surprising! This is what happens when you tick off the base, they refuse to support you or work for your campaign. McCain is getting his own poke in the eye, I wonder how he likes it? Richard A. Viguerie, chairman of, today released the results of a true random poll of 1,000 conservative…

Here’s a good point about the death of conservatism: “Every year we see obituaries of the conservative movement, and this year, because McCain has won, everyone’s saying that we don’t matter. Well, this is the first CPAC where we have had a sitting president, a sitting vice president, and every standing presidential candidate of the…

I guess anything goes in the general? He can’t vote for her “in the primaries” because of his Catholic faith and her vote Iraq war vote. Who knew that he was Catholic and that it informs his vote? He goes on to condemn the intolerance shown to Romney and Tom Cruise for their religion. He…

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