I was thinking that PA wasn’t the best place for Obama to give his speech. And it appears I was right: Stephanie Gill, a bartender in a white working class neighborhood in this Rust Belt city, noticed the shift immediately. A week ago, her customers at Rauchut’s Tavern in Tacony didn’t have much to say…

Do you think Obama will run an ad hitting Clinton on her readiness to assume office based on her schedule which contradicts her claims of experience? The press is doing all the work pouring over the schedule and lining it up with world events taking place at that time. Here’s the script, all he has…

Evidently he isn’t happy about the Danish cartoons and has threatened the EU and the Pope. Now, the big question is: why the heck not hit Denmark instead of the EU? And why hit the Pope? Did he come out in support of them running in the paper (I find that very hard to believe).…

So, Frank Schaeffer thinks that since the right embraced his father it makes them hypocrites for denouncing Wright: Every Sunday thousands of right wing white preachers (following in my father’s footsteps) rail against America’s sins from tens of thousands of pulpits. They tell us that America is complicit in the “murder of the unborn,” has…

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