Who is now old enough to vote and is ready to start in an counter ad with Obama: The first girl in the ad is young Casey Knowles. It’s stock footage from 8 years ago when she worked as a TV extra – footage owned now by Getty Images and used by the Clinton campaign.…

Of course his candidate voted against it. He even implied that Obama was being “knee-jerk” in his response and needs to do his homework. Do any of Obama’s advisers think he’s ready for the job? In a new interview with National Journal magazine, an intelligence adviser to Barack Obama’s presidential campaign broke with his candidate’s…

Beliefnet has a list of the 12 most powerful Hollywood Christians. It seems a little odd to be calling a fellow Christian powerful (2 Corinthians 12:9) but I guess some of them are pretty powerful, others are not as well known.

Putting up a more liberal candidate may actually work for us this year since it offers an alternative to Democrats who believe that their party has made a mistake electing a man who has so little experience and is a radial leftist: There are now more McCainocrats than Obamacans — about 14 percent of Democrats…

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