According to the NY Post:

Disgraced Gov. Spitzer dropped up to $80,000 on sex with prostitutes, sources revealed tonight.
Spitzer, a millionaire, was hopping into bed with harlots for as long as 10 years and traveled as far as Florida for call-girl trysts, sources said.
The prostitute-patronizing former prosecutor spent today huddled with top aides and lawyers in his Fifth Avenue apartment – trying to arrange a plea deal under which he’d resign his office but avoid prison time – as he desperately clung to power despite growing cries for his departure, even among fellow Democrats.

That would include his time as New York State Attorney General. So, his busting prostitution rings while he’s frequenting them?
He’s trying to work out a plea deal but I don’t see how he withstands this thing until then, especially with the press saying things like this:

As Gov. Spitzer held the state hostage to negotiate a sweet plea deal Tuesday night, probers looked to see if he used tax dollars for trysts with high-priced hookers totaling up to $80,000.

And the Republicans pushing for impeachment. And 70% of NY voters saying he should resign.

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