Bad PR move by Obama. It makes him look like he’s afraid to take questions from the military and their families. He wants to be commander in chief, why won’t he answer their questions? Senator Obama strongly supports America’s veterans and military families and has worked hard on their behalf in the Senate,” said Phillip…

They didn’t think that they needed advertising to respond to critics like Apple, they were just going to talk up the benefits of Vista but that hasn’t proved to be too successful, so they are going to fight back with their own ad campaign. Here are some suggestions from the WSJ business tech blogger: A…

The fish or the residents? That’s my question to the environmentalists among us. Californians need water but the fish are being killed by the pumps. What should California do? It is being run by liberals (including the governor) so, thy will be done. What is it? What do they do? The federal Fish and Wildlife…

Using DNA tests the Canadians were able to determine that a left and right foot were from the same man and that one of the feet belonged to a woman. They also determined that the feet were not severed by detached by decomposition. Investigators have eliminated 130 people from a list of 243 missing persons,…

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