OMH! What? Does the military watch the Terminator movies, ignore all the warnings and say to themselves, “Wow! We have to get us one of those?” Don’t they know that robots who are capable of adjusting sizes to get to their targets might be capable of adjusting targets. And guess what the name of the…

He’s suing Zondervan for $60 million and Thomas Nelson for $10 million. I’m not sure why he picked those publishers, maybe because those are the ones his family uses or they are the biggest publishers. He’s suing because the references to homosexuality in the Bible that refer to it as a sin have violated his…

I’m glad someone is doing something to get Congress moving on oil speculation. Some analysts say it’s a problem with supply and demand and not speculation but every day you hear the price go up because of some news from Saudi Arabia or Iran, that’s speculation not demand. The airlines believe that $30 to $60…

Is this a little light at the end of the tunnel? I wonder if he’s been reading the polls? “I’m open to drilling and responsible production,” Senate Majority Whip Richard Durbin told The Wall Street Journal, adding that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid could also support the move. Well, he just might get a chance…

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