That may not happen even if Obama is president: Iraq is a sovereign country. Not just according to me, but according to George Bush and John McCain. So ultimately our presence there is at their invitation, and their policy decisions have to be taken into account. I also think that Maliki recognizes that they’re going…

Uh-oh! Male vegans and those who are lactose intolerant might want to avoid soy if they’re trying to have children: “What we found was men that consume the highest amounts of soy foods in this study had a lower sperm concentration compared to those who did not consume soy foods,” said Dr. Jorge Chavarro of…

Pretty funny take by Colbert on the Lambeth Conference: if they want authoritarian rule to keep their bishop’s in place, why not just return to the Catholic church?(via)BTW, if you don’t know what’s been going on with the Lambeth Conference, you can find out from Lauren Winner at Casting Stones.

It seems that Obama has a history of promising support and not delivering (here’s another broken promise): He told the assembled press, local politicians (who included current Kenyan Prime Minister Raila Odinga), and students: “Hopefully I can provide some assistance in the future to this school and all that it can be.” He then turned…

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