I guess since the campaign couldn’t come up with any examples of McCain pointing out Obama’s race, Obama has backed down from his earlier remarks:

“I don’t think it’s accurate to say my comments have nothing to do with race,” he told reporters here. But, he elaborated, “here’s what I was saying, and I think it should be undisputed: I don’t come out of central casting when it comes to presidential races, for a whole range of reasons. I’m young, new to the national scene. My name is Barack Obama. I’m African American. I was born in Hawaii. I spent time in Indonesia. I do not have the typical biography of a presidential candidate.”
From that, he said, the McCain campaign has tried to portray him as “risky.”
“In no way do I think John McCain’s campaign was being racist,” he concluded. “They’re cynical, and I think they want to distract people from the real issues.”
“If you think about this week, what they’ve been good at is distraction,” he said. “You’ve got statistics saying we’ve lost another 50,000 jobs, that Florida’s in recession for the first time in a decade and a half and what was being talked about were Paris and Britney. And so they’re clever on creating distractions from the issues that really matter in people’s lives.”

But isn’t Obama doing the same thing by saying that McCain isn’t dealing with issues just celebrities when the ad he’s condemning is an issue ad (drilling for oil being the issue)? And of course the media won’t press him on that.

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