But I’m not getting excited about it because we all know this is just to take the issue off the table. We all know that the Democrats won’t allow offshore drilling because Pelosi wants to save the planet and the Dems would never betray the environmental lobby their favorite special interest group: “If, in order…

McCain’s new ad is brilliant! It spoofs Obama’s messiah complex 🙂 I’ve always thought that the way to counteract the adoring publicity Obama has received from the press is to laugh at the whole thing. To show how silly it is for a presidential candidate to be treated like the second coming of Christ. Sorry,…

Of course I’m over a week late with this news! I never promised to be timely that’s for sure! Well, I’m pretty bummed because I was hoping to have him for wisdom literature. I figured the class would be pretty interesting with him as the professor. The seminary is losing a very gifted teacher. He…

Bayh would be an excellent choice for Obama’s running mate. He would give Obama the centrist credentials that he lacks: Type ObamaBayh08.com into your web browser. Where do you think it’ll take you? Go ahead, do it. Bet you didn’t expect to suddenly be staring at the Democratic National Committee’s official website. Veepbeat_generic_blog_2 Hmm. What…

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