This article is amazing, the author is berating the Obamanites for their high expectations and is urging them to give Obama a break, he’s not their messiah: The convention is practically over, but Barack Obama has yet to utterly transform U.S. politics or perform any miracles. Wheelchair-bound conventioneers are still in their wheelchairs, and the…

It is funny the transformation of Biden from a serial gaffer and windbag into an elder statesman who is fawned over by the press and the Democrats. As Dave Barry notes: 8:04 – The convention floor erupts as the big TV screen shows . . . OMIGOD . . . JOE BIDEN! He’s HERE! The…

Various clips of Democrats saying that Obama isn’t ready to lead the nation including Obama himself stating that he wasn’t ready to lead. Nice contrast to the speeches of the last three nights :-)BTW, when Clinton stated that he was accused of not being ready, I thought of Rwanda, bombing the aspirin factory, letting bin…

Bummer! I was looking forward to soaring rhetoric not policy! But I guess since the independents want substance not style, Obama is forced to include policy in his speech: “I’m not aiming for a lot of high rhetoric,” he said of his upcoming speech. “I’m much more concerned with communicating how I intend to help…

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