I would think that’s a good thing 🙂 Biden speaking to a group of lawyers tells them that their help will be needed to ensure that the Republicans don’t steal another election. They plan to mobilize thousands of lawyers. I vaguely recall Kerry doing the same thing but they weren’t needed because it wasn’t close enough in any state for them to cheat and try to steal the election.
Here’s the rest of the quote on McCain:

“One of the debates I’ve had and finally won within the campaign, Claire, is — we talk about how John McCain’s ‘changed,'” Biden said. “He hasn’t changed a bit. John McCain has not changed one single solitary bit from the day I met him 34 years ago.
“He has never, never, never, never, never, never, never shared the values set that you share,” Biden said. “He’s an honorable, decent man, but John McCain truly believes, truly believes that you are corporate America’s problem,” he said to the trial lawyers. “And thank God you are.”

Um…then why did Kerry want him as his running mate?
And then there’s this:

“There are two people — you’ve heard me say it before — two groups that stand between us and the barbarians at the gate,” Biden said. “It’s you and organized labor. That’s it. That is it. So, mark my words, mark my words, if we lose this election, you are going to continue to see a continuation of the onslaught on everything we care about. For real. For real. So, I’m not only thanking you for your help. I would think you’re all absolutely brain-dead if you didn’t help. And I mean it.”

“Barbarians at the gate?” He’s saying this is lawyers! *snicker* If anyone understands “barbarians at the gate” it would be the trial lawyers.
BTW, organized labor looks ready to side with the barbarians and I think it’s telling that he doesn’t even mention the feminists. Usually they are part of the forces that keep out the barbarians but some of them (the Hillary supporters) are have know switched sides.
Another btw, if you’re talking about barbarians at the gate, wouldn’t that be the Democrats? They are the ones trying to storm the WH and seize power, aren’t they?

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