Well, his campaign warned that they would be doing it since Obama went there, and here it is, the Chicago machine:Finally hitting him with Rezko, though they should have mentioned he was a slumlord. I hope they do more Rezko ads, that’s a sore spot that can be explained to the American voting public, they…

Whoa! The NRA isn’t fooling around, they are seriously hitting Obama on his voting record in their new ad campaign that’s running in PA and probably other battle ground states:Did you know that he voted to tax ammunition and ban deer hunting ammunition? He has an even worse record than I imagined. I thought this…

If the socialists get their way: The wait to see primary care doctors in Massachusetts has grown to as long as 100 days, while the number of practices accepting new patients has dipped in the past four years, with care the scarcest in some rural areas. Now, as the state’s health insurance mandate threatens to…

What a great idea! That should cut down on the number of companies participating. BTW, I see nothing wrong with the government setting terms for participation. If you take taxpayer’s money, then lawmakers have every right to set the terms. “I notice at Lehman … some $2.5 billion in compensation,” McCain said. “If they’re bankrupt,…

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