The gift that keeps on giving! This from a guy who has an “F” rating from the NRA. Yeah, he’s believable. “I guarantee you Barack Obama ain’t taking my shotguns, so don’t buy that malarkey,” Biden said Saturday at the United Mine Workers of America’s annual fish fry in Castlewood, Virginia. “Don’t buy that malarkey.…

Obama lies in the following ad:Let’s look at all the lies: “Obama’s always supported medical care to protect infants.” He wants to rewrite history but here he is in his own words (the video also contains exactly how Obama voted on the bill):Do have broadband? Then go here.The second lie: John McCain’s Attacks: “the sleaziest…

I love Pete King’s comment that Rangel is just another liberal Democrat who can’t stand a strong woman on the ticket (and yeah, I know he was a Hillary supporter — it’s still funny 🙂It shows the sensitivity that the left has to the disabled. The mask has slipped off the Democrat party and what’s…

Listen for the wail of the MSM as they lament such a partisan and unfair attack, but Obama only has himself to blame for it because he opened the door by linking McCain to Limbaugh and (taking Limbaugh out of context) and now McCain is ready to do more guilt by association ads: Don’t be…

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