But she could be wearing a pregnancy suit. Yesterday I linked to this story about the Daily Kos floating a rumor that Palin’s son is actually her grandson. They posted pictures of her oldest daughter with a slight bump but what they didn’t realize or lied about was that the picture was taken in 2006.…

Wow! Coming from someone as brilliant and insightful as Paglia, Palin must be pretty happy with this quote (especially she’s been dissed by the Democrats and the MSM): “We may be seeing the first woman president. As a Democrat, I am reeling,” said Camille Paglia, the cultural critic. “That was the best political speech I…

I think this statement makes it clear that the Democrats will not do anything if Iran acquires a nuclear weapon: “Israel will have to reconcile itself with the nuclearization of Iran,” Army Radio quoted Biden as telling the unnamed officials. “It’s doubtful if the economic sanctions will be effective, and I am against opening an…

She’s better looking according to Joe Biden: “From our perspective the whole deal is how does the government help you get back up without getting in the way?” Biden asked. “There’s a gigantic – gigantic — difference between John McCain and Barack Obama, and between me and I suspect my vice presidential opponent. And that…

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