Yeah, this should convince that McCain supporter to vote for Obama: At some point during the wee hours of the morning, supporters of opponent Barack Obama attacked a private home in Prince George’s County, Md., defacing the house, an RV, a truck cover, and a two foot by eight foot yard sign. Apparently, the home…

That she would have been “clobbered” if she had said what BIden did. Isn’t it great that members of the press are so quick to acknowledge that they’re giving the Obama campaign a pass?Embedded video from CNN VideoEven Rather admits that the MSM are in the tank for Obama:I guess it’s getting so blatantly obvious…

I wonder if the press will ever realize that they’ve created a monster? Here they’ve been covering his butt the whole election cycle, they got him through the primaries and the general by ignoring his past scandals (Rezco, drug use, Ayers, BIden’s gaffes, the fact that he still doesn’t get capital gains, his socialism, etc.),…

We’ll be attacked if Obama is president:(via)If everyone is this certain that we’ll be attacked if we elect him, then why would we? It doesn’t make sense. This would make a good campaign ad, McCain should jump on it and Obama can’t say to much about it since his running mate has admitted that we’ll…

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