So, here’s a little idol worshiping for my lefty readers:The song playing in the background is a spiritual which was originally song to Jesus (you can find the rest of the words here): Lord, prepare me to be a sanctuary, pure and holy, tried and true. With thanksgiving, I’ll be a living sanctuary for You.…

And now for something completely different: A dead bear cub draped in Barack Obama posters has been found at the entrance to a university in North Carolina, police said today. Police and wildlife officials are investigating the incident at the Western Carolina university. […] “We cannot speculate on the motives of the people involved, nor…

Yeah, nice bummer sticker! Nice contrast to the Christian fish. Grace vs graceless. I’m glad the left has let out it’s inner misogynist this election cycle, helps us to see that they really don’t give a crap about women at all and they are just playing lip service to the needs of women in this…

Posted by SusanJust doing my part to stop the mis-characterization that somehow McCain supporters condone racism. This incident, I’m sure, will not make the evening news. With all the talk of Obama being a unifier, what about McCain bringing Muslims and Christians together?

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