Whoa! I’d say the gloves are off! And she’s right, it’s an undisputed fact that Obama’s political career got it’s start at a fundraiser at Bill Ayers house.BTW, at the end of the clip Palin mentions Tina Fey and says that she will do her best to give Fey material to keep her in business.…

Is it a macaca moment? No of course! The MSM will studiously ignore it:BTW, it doesn’t sound very post-partisan of him, does it? So much for the outreach to pro-lifers Obama is attempting. For you pro-lifers who think you’ll be welcome into the fold, you are about as accepted in the party as infidels are…

We interrupt the public stoning of Sarah Palin to bring you this: American Beauty star Bening tells Fox News: “We really want to hear her views … She’s obviously a very accomplished woman. I’m a Democrat, I’m a supporter of Barack Obama but she certainly deserves our respect.” You may now pick up your rocks,…

That seems to be the general consensus of the MSM and a few conservative bloggers. But I find it odd that Biden could win a debate lying throughout. He may be able to spew talking points but they weren’t accurate and some were just plain off the wall. Do we really want a guy living…

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