During a campaign rally, Palin responsed to the blathering heads on TV, in print and on the Internet who have been whining on and on about the cost of her wardrobe as if politicians haven’t been using campaign funds for makeup, hair, clothing and botox for years. Elisabeth Hasselbeck brought it up when she introduced…

From and email he sent to church members: “For 5,000 years, every culture and every religion – not just Christianity – has defined marriage as a contract between men and women,” Warren wrote. “There is no reason to change the universal, historical definition of marriage to appease 2% of our population.” He explains his support…

Pretty shocking that SNL would hit the Democrats this hard. Jack Murtha blathers on about how ignorant Western PA is and Biden is turned into a prophet who gives shout outs to local politicians in the crowd and predicts that the Obama will do some wacky things after he is tested like destroy Hawaii so…

They’ll be debating at Westminster Thursday at 6:30 and the debate is open to the public, better get there early, there are only 400 seats available: Christopher Hitchens, renowned atheist and author of God Is Not Great, and Doug Wilson, author of The Case For Classical Christian Education, will be debating at Westminster Theological Seminary**…

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