It’s looking like the gay marriage ban has passed in California and they have the Obama supporters to thank for it: According to exit polls, whites opposed the amendment 53-47. But blacks supported it 70-30, and Latinos supported it 51-49. The polls have blacks at 10 percent of the electorate for this issue, with Latinos…

Steve Waldman has the numbers from the exit polls and does an analysis. Obama gained among every group: Catholics, Evangelicals and Jews. I guess reaching out to those groups and finding a way to down play his infanticide vote (in the case of babies who survive abortions) worked . And I guess Christians will reap…

A bright spot on an otherwise bleak day: First-term Democratic Florida Rep. Tim Mahoney, dogged by sexual scandal, lost his seat Tuesday. It seems appropriate that the guy who won on the back of the Foley scandal would lose his seat because of his own sex scandal.

That little piece of vindictiveness went down in defeat: We’re talking about Proposition R. It called for the renaming of the city’s sewage treatment plant after President George W. Bush. While the measure got international recognition it easily went down in defeat on Tuesday. I guess BDS didn’t go far enough in SF to vote…

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