Hope you’re enjoying the first day of the new year 🙂 I’ve been thinking about my new year’s resolutions and realized how similar they are to last year’s which is pretty depressing. Why can’t I keep them? Why can’t I ever reach my goals?
So, you might ask, why do I continue to make them? Because I live in hope (and because it’s a tradition 🙂 So here they are:
Lose weight
Read through the NT in Greek in a year
Read through the Psalms in Hebrew
Write a Bible study (I’m not sure which book I want to concentrate on yet, maybe the Psalms)
I’m keeping it simple this year, hopefully I can concentrate on these things and actually accomplish them.
But my resolutions pale in comparison to Jonathan Edwards’ resolutions! As they usually do 🙂 So what about your’s or have you given up?

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