He has risen indeed! Today we celebrate the greatest act in history, God the Father accepted the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, his Son to take away the sins of his people (Matthew 1:21) which is good news indeed. Without Jesus’ sacrifice, we would die in our sins and have to face eternal punishment for them but now those of use who believe in that sacrifice are united in Christ’s death and in his resurrection (Romans 6:5) and will have eternal life.
I think that’s a good reason to celebrate, don’t you?
I hope you all enjoy your day with family and friends, I know I will because I do so with the assurance that my sins have been taken away and I can face death knowing that Jesus has faced judgment for me. My burden has been lifted and I wear it no more (Matthew 11:28-30) Thanks be to God for his inexpressible gift! (2 Corinthians 9:15)

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