It seems that my CA-125 number dropped from 148 to 20!!! My oncologist thinks that once my surgeon finds out the number is that low, he would probably be OK with me only having 6 chemo treatments instead of the 8 or 9 he said he wanted.
BTW, it turns out that there is no such thing as a negative CA-125 number so I’m not sure why my surgeon said that. But 20 is in the normal range and means that I’m doing pretty good and I’ve got two more scheduled chemo treatments. Hopefully that will be it. My oncologist called my surgeon to get the situation straightened out so that we could all be on the same page for my course of treatment.
I did have some bad news on Monday, I had pain over the weekend near my port site and I’m going to a vascular doctor today to make sure there aren’t any blood clots. Pretty scary stuff. Please pray that all goes well.
And another BTW, thanks for the words of encouragement on my last post about the cancer. It’s been a difficult situation to get through but I’m so thankful for the well wishes and the prayers. It helps.

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