Equating saving a newspaper to saving Darfur demonstrates just why this paper is failing. They think that they are on a par with saving a country where thousands of people are being systematically killed, tortured and raped. The arrogance of this statement is just appalling: NEW York Times Executive Editor Bill Keller equated the Gray…

Woohoo! Thanks for your prayers, the Lord certainly answered them but it was really hard with a lot of road blocks thrown in my way. I have thrush (from the steroids) and had to spend valuable time today looking for a pharmacy that could fill the prescription. And I slept through most of my chemo…

Redstate takes over Moveon.org’s ad on deficits. Pretty funny! Wonder what Moveon.org has to say about Obama’s deficits? Think they’ll come out with ads against it? (via)

Newbie mistake, maybe he should look at the departments he has under his control: “Obama hasn’t yet appointed a chief of protocol and his staffers, still unpacking, didn’t realize that the State Department has an entire office dedicated to foreign visits.” This is what you get when you elect a president with no executive experience.

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