Making the case that he might be the next Evangelical spokesman: Who is this self-appointed defender of the faith? Until last year, those who had heard of Doug Wilson most likely knew him in his other roles: pastor provocateur in a liberal university town; polarizing leader in the classical Christian education movement; nonconforming Calvinist who…

Selective editing:It’s very convenient for the lefties to make this about attacking Obama but the Tea Parties are about the anger the right feels toward the spending of both the Democrats and Republicans (don’t believe me? Take a look at this). There is still anger from the years of pork barrel spending when the Republicans…

That’s the title of Paul David Tripp’s new book, it’s 52 meditations on Psalm 27. Here’s a video promoting the book which is one of the best book promotion videos I’ve seen. It convinced my to buy it. I should be getting it next week and I’ll let you know what I think:(via)I also bought…

How racist can you get? Doesn’t she realize that you can protest a guy’s tax and spending polices without any reference to his race? Typical of a lefty to focus on race instead of the issues (she seems to be saying that his race is the only reason for protest, that sounds pretty racist to…

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