I’m amused to see that the atheists actually thought this study proved anything: IS PRAYER just another kind of friendly conversation? Yes, says Uffe Schjødt, who used MRI to scan the brains of 20 devout Christians. “It’s like talking to another human. We found no evidence of anything mystical.” […] Robin Dunbar at the University…

Well, it looks like American ships better start arming their crew or face the possibility of more deadly attacks. Once the pirates see that they can’t get rich off American ships, they’ll leave them alone but not before they attempt to take revenge. Congrats to Obama! He was tested and gave the right orders! Now…

He has risen indeed! Today we celebrate the greatest act in history, God the Father accepted the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, his Son to take away the sins of his people (Matthew 1:21) which is good news indeed. Without Jesus’ sacrifice, we would die in our sins and have to face eternal punishment for them…

This actually sounds like a good idea to me. Squatters are screened and they stay in the house until they are kicked out by the bank. If they don’t destroy the property, they’re providing a much needed service for their neighbors and the banks: they are keeping out people who would strip the place clean…

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