I’m shocked, shocked I tell you that a politician cheated on his wife. And I’m even more shocked that he would do so after advocating the sanctity of marriage in opposition to gay marriage:This is why it is a very bad idea for the religious right to align themselves with the Republican party in making…

Well, that’s what they’re calling this painting. Based on this portrait they’re thinking that maybe da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa in variety of ways. They’re saying this even though the model doesn’t bare a resemblance to the Mona Lisa: The work, which documents suggest was at least based on never-seen similar work by da…

The ruling council (the real power in Iran) agreed to a partial recount but will not annul the election results: Iran’s top legislative body on Tuesday ruled out annulling a disputed presidential poll that has prompted the biggest street protests since the 1979 Islamic revolution but said it was prepared for a partial recount. In…

They’re estimating that millions have turned out to protest the stolen election in Iran:Notice those in the crowd, it’s not just young people but the middle-aged as well.(via)And then there’s this. The Supreme Leader of Iran orders an investigation into election fraud: State television quoted Ayatollah Ali Khamenei directing a high-level clerical panel, the Guardian…

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