I’m all for the right to bear arms but I think this pastor’s focus is way off. Church is a place of worship where the focus is on Jesus Christ and the gospel. It’s not about our rights as American citizens, it’s about the kingdom of God:

Pastor Ken Pagano told parishioners to bring their unloaded guns to New Bethel Church in Louisville for a service celebrating the right to bear arms.
He said he acted after church members voiced fears the Obama administration could tighten gun control laws.
“We are wanting to send a message that there are legal, civil, intelligent and law-abiding citizens who also own guns,” Mr Pagano told the congregation.

It’s not the job of the pastor to promote guns, it’s the job of the pastor to promote salvation and a new life in Christ.
Ugh! Why can’t guys just do the job they are called to do instead of worrying about politics.

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