So, maybe you think healthcare is better in Canada because it’s free but this video demonstrates that you get what you pay for:“Don’t get sick on Sunday.” Pretty scary stuff. And having to wait two to three years to get a family doctor is pretty bad (just so you can get a blood test for…

Once our brains evolved and we became sentient beings and could choose for ourselves what to do, we gained control over the evolution process and can now decide how to evolve based on our own moral decisions. But it’s pretty clear there isn’t a bases for these moral decisions without borrowing from social evolution (unless…

This is even worse then anything on the Terminator! The military is creating steam-powered robots that would consume organic material (including dead bodies) as its source of fuel. Thus giving them even more incentive to wipe us out: Robotic Technology Inc.’s Energetically Autonomous Tactical Robot — that’s right, “EATR” — “can find, ingest, and extract…

May be Randal Pinkett, a political novice but the winner of season 4 of “The Apprentice.” Yes, just what NJ needs someone who doesn’t know that they’re doing (especially given the fact that our president doesn’t know what he’s doing). When you’re states at 8.8 unemployment (which seems like it’s not that bad but it’s…

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