Atheists, you can’t erase God from the public square, you don’t have enough votes yet. When you do, then you can start tearing it all down. You can knock down the Washington monument with it’s Laus Deo inscription, tear down the walls of the south and north chambers of the Lincoln monument which reads “this…

More from Alford on his encounter with Boxer:Here’s the original video in case you missed it:Every time I watch it, it ticks me off how condescending she is to him. That the NAACP’s resolution is supposed to neutralize his testimony is ludicrous, he knows his field, as he said, he has documentation to support what…

Pretty cool! The look that was once sported by both Mona Lisa and Elizabeth I is now being sold as the last word in modernity. The thinking seems to be that if you’ve exhausted every other manner of facial alteration in the book, why not try losing your eyebrows? After all, we’ve inflated our lips,…

Here’s an interesting article on Hollywood blogger, Nikki Finke, who breaks many Hollywood stories. It’s pretty negative, she’s called a thug. Don’t think she liked that too much. Best quote from the article: “I really don’t see covering Hollywood as all that different from covering the Kremlin or the federal government,” she said. “I’m always…

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