She didn’t have to say “probably.” I wonder how much the heckler is being paid?BTW, I’ve given birth in America twice and I have to tell you that it was never in an elevator, outside the hospital or in a bathroom. And I’ve never heard of anyone else given birth in those places unless it…

And a pretty decent salary. I wonder how much they’re paying on the right? Have any lefties posted videos of operatives infiltrating the rightwing, big oil astroturf operation? I’d be interested in that gig if the pay’s any good (we have to pay for college next year and you know that’s not cheap)

Could you imagine if her mother-in-law wins? Open session on all comediennes, you’d have a feeding frenzy! Plenty of fodder in this trial for her act since her husband’s law firm is representing her in the legal battle against his mother. Embedded video from CNN Video (via)

OMH! The very company that started the government down the path to this draconian law that threatens ordinary citizens who want to sell their used children’s clothes, books and toys at flea markets and yard sales, small business who sell baby toys, and ATV manufactures, is getting a waiver! While everyone else has to submit…

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