So, do you believe him? “Even though from a technical perspective the recession is very likely over at this point, it’s still going to feel like a very weak economy for some time,” Bernanke told a questioner after giving a speech to a Brookings Institution conference. “The general view of most forecasters is that that…

Kind of felt sorry for West when Leno asked about his mom. I thought that was a little over the top, especially since his mom died a couple of years ago during a cosmetic surgery:I’m not sure people are buying his apology. I know the radio DJs on the morning show we listen to didn’t.(via)BTW,…

Isn’t lovely the way Congressmen respond to their constituents (though, you have to give him props for allowing them to making speeches and be willing to listen):BTW, Stark states that if there is no public option, the government would set the rates. Yeah, that will work. If you force the insurance companies to set a…

Further proof that it’s the left who can’t see past race. First we have this guy’s interpretation of our corporate outrage over Kanye West’s classless(and maybe drunken) act of taking the mic from Taylor Swift to insert himself in her moment. He sees an “older black man” accosting a “little white girl:” I won’t go…

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