Ralph Nader has written a novel! And it sounds pretty wacky as only a Nader utopian society could be: Ralph Nader has written a novel. Well, he doesn’t call it a novel–he calls it “a practical utopia.” In it, he spins a fictional vision of what might happen if the country’s super-rich got together with…

The results of this poll aren’t surprising. A majority of Democrats view the government as responsible for health insurance while a majority of Republicans and Independents do not: In a recent Gallup survey, 89% of Republicans, 64% of independents, and 61% of Americans overall say Americans themselves — rather than the government — have the…

How embarrassing for the person who left their cell phone on. I’ve forgotten to turn mine to vibrate a couple times when I was in seminary but only received one call. Very embarrassing. And usually I remember to put it on vibrate when in service. Once a cell phone wouldn’t stop ringing in church during…

But they are going to try again with amendments: Democratic efforts to include a taxpayer-financed “public” health insurance option in the emerging health reform bill fell short in two crucial test votes in the Senate Finance Committee on Tuesday afternoon. The first proposal, offered by Sen. John D. Rockefeller IV, West Virginia, failed on a…

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