You know something, the feminists have always struck me as being hung up on the wrong issues. In the 70’s it was titles (Mrs. vs Ms.), in the 80’s men’s clubs and in the 90’s it was defending Bill Clinton and now we have the great Obama controversy. No, not his dithering over the war…

It is absolutely amazing that anyone could be surprised that Obama’s admin would try to do all in it’s power to curtail the production of coal: [T]he Environmental Protection Agency has put the brakes on 79 surface mining permits in four states since he was elected. The EPA says these permits could violate the Clean…

At least some of their content: Chase Carey, News Corp.’s deputy chairman, suggested in comments he made at the OnScreen Media Summit that it’s just a matter of time before Hulu, the video service founded by News Corp. and NBC Universal, launches a subscription service. “I think a free model is a very difficult way…

This is something you’d see on a sitcom: A Minnesota man has pleaded guilty to driving his motorized La-Z-Boy chair while drunk. A criminal complaint says 62-year-old Dennis LeRoy Anderson told police he left a bar in the northern Minnesota town of Proctor on his chair after drinking eight or nine beers. His blood alcohol…

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