Mildly amusing:Glenn Beck also mocked the media coverage.To make it even more of a circus the sheriff says that he was playing the media so that he could gain the trust of the media manipulators: The sheriff, who on Friday had largely dismissed suggestions from reporters that the balloon flight might be a hoax, said…

For those of you who missed it (like me). Have to agree with Colbert that you empty the cross of meaning equating it with death. The cross is not a symbol of death but of sacrifice, hope and redemption. I certainly do not want the court to rule that the cross is a symbol of…

No surprise that charges are being filed in the balloon boy incident: “We were looking at Class 3 misdemeanor, which hardly seems serious enough given the circumstances,” Alderden said. “We are talking to the district attorney, federal officials to see if perhaps there aren’t additional federal charges that are appropriate in this circumstance.” Evidently, this…

That’s a quote from Richard Dawkins hawking his latest book in an interview with Salon. Doesn’t that make it difficult for a creationist to read this book without feeling insulted? Won’t that hurt your goal? No, I’m not really aiming it at creationists. I don’t think they read books anyway, except for one book. It’s…

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