Whole Foods CEO is interviewed by Matt Welch and Nick Gillespie of Reason.tv. Very interesting revelation of who he voted for in the last election (and no, it wasn’t Obama).You can watch the full hour video here.

OMH! This only gets better! The new health care rationing system is literally going to be DMV health care (it’s so funny that when you joke about these things, they actually do them): The most revelatory passage in the so-called “plain English” version of the health care bill that the Senate Finance Committee approved on…

Here are some videos from the Mackinac Center for Public Policyof Canadians talking about their failed health care system. These Canadians have a variety of serious and painful health issues but had to wait for treatment:So, instead of waiting a couple years for treatment, they come here:There are so few family physicians that they have…

You can get the John Piper and Justin Taylor compilation, The Power of Words and the Wonder of God for free here (and only 7.99 for the Kindle edition). It’s a compilation of various authors (Paul Tripp, John Piper, Mark Driscoll, Sinclair Ferguson, Daniel Taylor, Bob Kauflin) each writing a chapter examining “the life-altering power…

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