For those of you who, like me, missed John Piper hosting a discussion on three of the views of the millennium (they do not seem to cover dispensational premillennialism):
On September 27, 2009, Desiring God and Bethlehem College & Seminary hosted “An Evening on Eschatology” at the Downtown Campus of Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis. It was attended by about 800 people who sat in the darkened sanctuary while six cameras were trained on the brightly lit roundtable where the four participants sat in a circle.
For two hours I moderated, more or less, a discussion among Jim Hamilton (professor of New Testament at Southern Seminary in Louisville), Sam Storms (pastor of Bridgeway Church in Oklahoma City), and Doug Wilson (pastor of Christ Church, Moscow, Idaho).
The discussion was intended to focus on the relationship between the thousand-year reign of Christ mentioned in Revelation 20 and the return of Christ to this earth visibly and physically to reign. This thousand years is usually called “the millennium.” Revelation 20 is the only place in the Bible where the length of this period is mentioned.
You can listen here.
BTW, two excellent books on this topic, The Bible and the Future and The Meaning of the Millennium: Four Views
(I found this parallel commentary
of Revelation while I was at Amazon — I haven’t read it but it looks interesting). Also, here is a really good, easy to read commentary on Revelation