I just saw the Biden skit on SNL and thought I’d share it with you guys in case you missed it. Pretty funny, one of their better skits.I thought the digs on the economy were pretty funny as well but it would have been funnier if they had included the fact that the administration is…

Since only 13% of women use insurance for abortions, not too many women will be impacted by the Stupak amendment: The restrictions were introduced as an amendment by Rep. Bart Stupak, a Michigan Democrat who opposes abortion. They aim to ensure that no taxpayer dollars fund abortion. To that end, the government-run public insurance plan…

Not only attractive women but those over 5’7 and between 18 and 35 years old: Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, in Rome for a U.N. food summit, spent several hours in the company of 200 Italian women recruited by an agency and tried to convert them to Islam, Italian media reported on Monday. “Seeking 500 attractive…

Pretty funny for the first minute and then at the end a pretty good zinger aimed at Biden:Obama’s Home Teleprompter Malfunctions During Family DinnerBTW, I wonder what Dunn thinks about Onion Network News? Evidently, she thinks that a comedy news is “where you are getting fact-checking and investigative journalism these days.”Speaking of news, I found…

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