By now we’ve all heard about the murder in Seattle by a muslim American who went into the Jewish Federation building and killed one woman and injured 5 others on Friday. This article gives you a good Jewish perspective to the incident. I personally, am amazed that we have not heard more about this in the media. Be that as if may, it got me thinking about the religious freedoms we enjoy in this country. We are free to assemble and worship, without fear. Well those days are numbered because those freedoms are slowly eroding away, little by little.

This is where I’m coming from.

At dinner tonight my daughter was telling me about her day at VBS (that’s short for Vacation Bible School). She is helping with the 5 year olds. Every year there is some hokey music that the kids learn. Don’t get me wrong, they are cute songs but they also learn these hokey hand-motions that helps them memorize the song. My daughter was showing me all the gestures with a smirk on her face, because let’s face it as a pre-teen, it’s just NOT cool. But seriously, she has always been very theatrical so she really does enjoy it.

But more importantly while she was telling me about it, it dawned on me how great it is that she can feel safe in a house of worship. We kind of take it for granted here in the U.S. We are not expecting someone to come in with a gun to kill us because of religious hatred. These VBS workers and children don’t need to be scared, yet. The threat that radical Islam poses on our country is real. Make no mistake about it, that’s exactly what was happening in the killing in Seattle. Islamofascists don’t only hate Jews, they hate Christians too. Is it only a matter of time before our houses of worship are attacked too?

I told my daughter about the Seattle incident, and she could not believe it. I also took the opportunity to educate her on what’s happening in the Middle East. It’s hard for her to understand such hatred. Quite frankly, it’s hard for me too.

This has sharpened my appreciation for the religious freedom that my family and I enjoy in this country.

Forgive me Lord that I take it for granted.

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