Well, there you go, I’m getting them in a week. I went to the doctor today and my vision has gotten worse. The doctor says I have healthy eyes but this is what happens when you age. I decided to get the cheapest option possible and that was bifocals. I’m supposed to use them when I drive, when I’m on the computer and when I read. The only time I really need them right now is night driving and reading.
It took me forever to decide on frames, I have a round face and it’s hard to find glasses that look good. I also like to wear lighter colors because black doesn’t look good on me. I know that they are only for driving and reading and it doesn’t matter what they look like but if I hate them, I won’t wear them and when I said that to the optician, he told me to come back and he would work with me. But I liked the ones that I choose and think that they make me look distinguished 🙂
I wish I didn’t have to wait a week because I’m finding it really hard to read and I just got a new Bible (more on that later) and the print is small. Plus, I’ve started preparing for the fall and I need to read my Greek and Hebrew textbooks to bring my language skills up to testing speed 🙁 and the print is too small.
BTW, if you are interested in what a seminary student reads, here are the books for my Gospels class and here are the books for my OT history and theology class (I actually think this list isn’t complete or he plans to make us translate a lot of passages). I’m looking forward to reading them because I love books about the Bible. I’ve already have a couple of them so I’m a little ahead of the game, plus I plan to drive over and pick up the rest. I should read the books that they have listed as 100% and I will wait and read the rest when my classes start.

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