The troops and the Iraqi people deserved better and you have just kicked out many conservatives from Congress. You may have gained some conservative Democrats but that won’t get you too far now, will it?
President Bush can rest in the knowledge that if this was about the war, then the Republicans lost for all the right reasons. Unfortunately, I don’t think that was the case, I think the stupidity of certain Republicans was the problem. DeWine and Sanatorium lost because the conservatives were angry with them to begin with. Republicans have an apt symbol since we have long memories and never forget and will make you pay, even if it’s at our own expense.
If the Senate is split 50/50 then Lieberman won big time and will be courted by both sides. He will pick the Democrats and retain all his committee positions. He is actually the biggest winner of the night.
I think that ultimately that the strategy of the Democrats to run conservative Democrats in a number of their House seats may prove to be problem for them in the future (on guy was pro-life, gun rights, what was he doing on with the Democrats) and they may regret it.
The Republicans may have gotten what they deserved but the nation didn’t. I take solace in the fact that the nation may be enjoying two years of gridlock and now that the war in Iraq isn’t a political issue anymore, we will be hearing the good news from over there and the support for it will increase.
And I also take solace in the fact that McCain will become a conservative’s conservative. But it will be too late, what can you do now that you don’t control the Senate (even if we still control it it would be by much).

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