Trent Lott??? Seriously? I mean, seriously??? What message did you people send? More of the same? Do not send them any more messages because no message gets into their tiny little Republican brain, their huge Republican ego gets in the way. I’m so mad at these spineless Rinos in Republican clothes, why can’t they get it through their tiny little brain that we want them to act like Republicans and control spending and the size of government and electing a man to leadership who said the following demonstrates a lack of understanding of the problems with the Senate:

“I’ll just say this about the so-called porkbusters. I’m getting damn tired of hearing from them. They have been nothing but trouble ever since Katrina.”

Reform, means change, not going back to the one who contributed to the problem. And we need a Republican leadership team that will stand up to the Democrats and not let them roll all over them and shove their crap legislation down the throats of the public (remember, universal health care has been resurrected) and a man who agreed to share leadership with the Democrats is not the man for the job!
I’m beginning to wonder if the Republicans are working for Schumer.

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