When I read this article this morning I was struck by how much the recent election is like a Rorschach inkblot, everyone sees what they want to see in the picture:

The beauty of the Democratic Party midterm victory, Clinton muses, is that voters said no to ideology. They wanted to move past fearmongering and demonizing toward true debate. “America rejected shorthand,” he says. “People are thinking again.” But they are not thinking of a set of liberal policy prescriptions. He argues that the election was about more than Iraq and corruption; it turned on the unmet needs of middle-class voters for whom the country “isn’t working anymore.” And yet no one is exactly sure how to make it work again.

Though I do agree with him on this one (and I’m pretty shocked to agree with Clinton on anything):

The people didn’t give Democrats a mandate,” the former president cautions. “They gave us a chance.”

You might not want to bother reading the rest of the article because it’s just a snow job for Hillary. Here’s a sample:

It’s a vindication of Clinton’s “Third Way” presidency, though ironic considering that the Democrats lost the Congress in the first place in 1994 in part because of the alleged excesses of “Hillarycare.” Now the former First Lady, whose impressive 67 percent re-election to the Senate showed she could win the support of independent swing voters and even a quarter of Republicans, is betting that a moderate image will erase the phony national impression of her as a left-wing harridan.

When someone writes something like that you know they’ve been spending too much time around the Clintons. Can you say lap dog?
BTW, if she wants to erase the national impression of her as a left-wing harridan, she better stop campaigning because every time she makes a speech and starts raising her voice she sounds like a harridan. My daughters and I were listening to a clip from one of her speeches and they couldn’t take it, “Turn it off!” Her voice is like fingers on a blackboard and imagine listening to her for four years of her presidency? I shudder just thinking about it.

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