He has been on the Intelligence committee since before 9/11 and yet doesn’t know basic facts about our enemy:

Is al Qaeda a Sunni organization, or Shi’ite?

The question proved nettlesome for Rep. Silvestre Reyes of Texas, incoming Democratic chairman of the House of Representatives Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.

“Predominantly — probably Shi’ite,” he said in a recent interview with Congressional Quarterly, a periodical that covers political and legislative issues in Congress.

Unfortunately for Reyes, the al Qaeda network led by Osama bin Laden is comprehensively Sunni and subscribes to a form of Sunni Islam known for not tolerating theological deviation.


“As a member of the intelligence committee since before 9/11, I’m acutely aware of al Qaeda’s desire to harm Americans. The intelligence committee will keep its eye on the ball and focus on the pressing security and intelligence issues facing us,” Reyes said in the statement.

A former border patrol agent and a congressional opponent of the Iraq war, the Texas congressman was chosen for the chief intelligence job by House Speaker-designate Nancy Pelosi.

I bet he doesn’t have a clue why they’re fighting us (then again, neither do a lot of people).
Congress, the best example of the Peter Principle.
Democrats, your roster of leadership is not all that impressive, is it? But then again, neither is the Republicans. All I can say is, “I feel your pain.” (That was my impression of Clinton, how did you like it?)

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