Man! I’m having a hard time keeping track of what the Democrats are doing about the war. Since America is looking to them for action, you would think they would do something decisive but we are still waiting for them to do something. Here is the latest attempt to appease their base and not look like they are abandoning the troops:

House Democratic leaders are developing an anti-war proposal that wouldn’t cut off money for U.S. troops in Iraq while requiring President Bush to acknowledge problems with an overburdened military.
The plan could draw broad bipartisan support but was expected to be a tough sell to members who said they don’t think it goes far enough to assuage voters angered by the four-year war.
Since then, Democrats have been trying to decide what to do next. Some worried that a plan by Rep. John Murtha to restrict funding for the war would go too far. Murtha, D-Pa., is extending his support to the revised proposal.
The tactic is more likely to embarrass Bush politically than force his hand on the war. He would have to sign repeated waivers for units and report to Congress those units with equipment shortfalls and other problems.

This is their plan, embarrass Bush? Is this how we wage war? Embarrass the commander in chief? And the America people think these people are the ones to wage war in Iraq and the war on terror?
I agree with Boehner’s spokesmen:

“If this is the Democrats’ last ditch effort to appease the ultraliberal wing of their party while appearing to support the troops at the same time, I don’t think they are going to convince either one of any commitment whatsoever,” Kennedy said. “This appears to be political posturing at its worst and yet another attempt to undermine the mission of our troops in harm’s way. The American people are going to see right through it.”

And then there’s this:

Bush “hasn’t to date done anything we’ve asked him to do, so why we would think he would do anything in the future is beyond me,” said Rep. Lynn Woolsey, D-Calif., one of a group of liberal Democrats pushing for an immediate end to the war.

I think this Representative needs to go back to school, Bush doesn’t serve the Congress. He doesn’t have to listen to them. If they want to have a say on troop levels, they have a legal recourse, stop funding the war. That will stop Bush but they can’t do that because they don’t have the votes.
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