This is a great idea and I hope it catches on because it allows you to be as nasty as you want and as long as you pay, you don’t have to feel bad about it. Thank you, Al Gore and other environmentalists for giving Scott Ott such a great idea:

A draft proposal circulating in the so-called blogosphere would allow family-friendly blogs to sell “civility offsets” to vitriolic bloggers who prefer to pay for “nastiness indulgences” rather than to tame their bitter tirades.

Advocates say that unlike a proposed “blogger code of conduct,” the new civility offsets will not slash the number of blatant death threats or reduce comparisons between President George Bush and the common chimpanzee, but they may reduce the momentary twinges of guilt experienced by some vicious, vindictive and vitriolic bloggers.

Scott Ott is the clearinghouse for civility offsets, so go pay him if you call a Democrat a bad name this week or lose your temper with a commenter.
By the way, since my other blog is a king blog and filled with love, happiness, joy and absolutely no political discourse, it offsets this blog. And if that wasn’t enough I earn a special dispensation for Blogging Chicks and the Christian Blogosphere because I help other bloggers improve the visibility of their blogs. So, I’m covered for all my snotty comments about the Democrats and the Rinos and if I want to rant about Dobson or Robertson, I’m good to go knowing that I’ve plenty of interest to spend. I even have enough to respond to o’brien a few more times.

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