I’m glad to know that the F.B.I. is actively and persistently engaged in protecting our country and that we got a chance to see the fruits of their labor.
It probably won’t be lauded in the media but I wanted to say thank you.
And thank you to the John Doe who works in the video store for reporting these jihadists.
Our national security depends on us all because:

…every now and then we’re reminded that national security is not a game. We’re reminded that there really are radical Islamists who want nothing in life more than to kill Americans. Tuesday was one of those days.
The Justice Department announced the arrest of six alleged jihadists who, according to the charges against them, spent the last year and a half plotting an attack on the United States military installation at Fort Dix, New Jersey. They thought a small group of committed terrorists could penetrate security and slaughter at least a hundred United States soldiers.
Listen to defendant Serder Tatar, who was so suspicious (correctly as it turned out) that one of his confederates might be an FBI informant that he actually tried to check him out with the local police. Here’s what Tatar finally told the informant about why he would help attack Fort Dix:
I don’t know whether you’re FBI. . . . I’m gonna do it. Whether you are or not. I’m gonna do it. Know why? It doesn’t matter to me, whether I get locked up, arrested, or get taken away, it doesn’t matter. Or I die, it doesn’t matter. I’m doing it in the name of Allah.
That’s what we’re up against.

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