Someone commented that my facts are wrong and that the vast majority of homeschoolers are only boycotting The Old Schoolhouse (TOS) magazine and its affiliates. Okay, that’s fine. I only know what I’ve read, which is apparently different than what you’ve read. I have seen at least one list that contained a list that included Amazon, eBay, Barnes & Noble, and Memoria Press. I don’t have any kind of official stats regarding the number of hsers who are participating, nor to what extent. Maybe you’re better informed than I am, so be it.
My primary point was that we have a common “enemy” (for lack of a better word.) I think that most of us can agree that the Pearls should be put out of business and made to wear a scarlet “A” for “Abusive.” Let’s stick to that. Let’s stick to helping our fellow travelers to find better ways to discipline their children. Instead of turning on one another, let’s use that energy to equip parents so that they no longer feel so desperate that they must turn to maniacs for advice. Haranguing a woman (who was anti-Pearl) until she shut down her blog did nothing to stop the Pearls.
“Almost Lazarus”: thanks for the link. I want you to know that there are plenty of Christians who are against these people. I found lots of good info through your site and links.
Tags: Homeschooling, Homeschool, Pearl Boycott