Eleanor Clift is suggesting that the Democrats nominate Al Gore as their presidential candidate with Obama as his running mate as a way to break the stalemate with Clinton. It would be an unbeatable combination of national security, experience and change (yeah, nothing says change like the guy who was VP for 8 years and couldn’t figure out how to close the deal in 2000 and who has been around hectoring us about our carbon consumption as he’s flying around the globe in private jets and heating his palatial estate :-).

Al Gore on the second ballot: A scenario that a few weeks ago seemed preposterous is beginning to look plausible to some nervous Democrats looking for a way out of the deadlock between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. It goes like this: We love them both, but neither is a sure bet when it comes to electability. It’s not about gender and race, each has more mundane vulnerabilities. Hillary’s negatives will drive white men to John McCain; Obama’s inexperience will require a gut check on the part of voters. What if the super delegates decide not to decide, denying either candidate the requisite number of delegates to secure the party’s nomination. Democrats want to win. The new rallying cry: Gore on the second ballot.

So, the party of “count every vote”/ “every vote counts” is going to throw their primary victors under the bus for a white guy even though this was supposed to be the year of the woman or the year of the African-American. How funny will that be after Republicans have been hearing for all the months about the whiteness and the maleness of our candidates! Man, you guys would have to eat some serious crow for that one. Every time I mentioned Al Gore, I would certainly bring it up again: “Al Gore, the white male, presidential nominee of the Democrats.”
BTW, what in the world does Cliff mean by “Obama’s inexperience will require a gut check on the part of voters.” Doesn’t she know that an Obama presidency is inevitable? He’s going to win in a landslide because of his soaring rhetoric and because he is the coming messiah who is to heal the nation’s wounds. He’s the only one who understands that we have to compromise and sacrifice for one another in order to get things done, he was the one who was going to heal our souls. How can he do that if he’s only #2? I guess we should be thankful that though Al Gore is not the messiah, at least he’s a prophet :

Stumper’s Take: He foresaw global warming. He “took the initiative” on the Internet. And he knew exactly how Iraq would turn out. Who’s to say that Al Gore hasn’t known all along that the Democratic race would descend into some weird state of gridlock–and that only he, the Goracle, could rescue the party from civil war?

I’m sure given time the press (and Al Gore) will anoint him and he will comfortably wear the mantle of messiah.
Though, I don’t think he’ll get the chance since an Obama presidency is inevitable 🙂 How can conventional wisdom be wrong?
And another btw, I noticed this comment but couldn’t figure it out. Could one of you lefties translate this for me please? I’m assuming she’s upset that Hillary is being thrown under the bus by her party but I’m not sure about the Taliban and Jesus part:

Hog wash, year of the woman, you all beast just hate the clintons. she is not a taliban, and she don’t speak like jesus, saying he do this & do that, lies.

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